IDN FINANCIALS, JAKARTA – The development of the first phase of the Pelabuhan Anggrek in North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province using the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme will begin soon. On Monday (25/7), a credit or financing agreement was signed between PT Anggrek Gorontalo International Terminal (AGIT) as the port manager or debtor, with PT Bank BNI (Persero) and PT. Indonesia Infrastructure Finance as the creditor, witnessed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi.
“We are tasked with inviting the private sector to participate in developing the port. PT AGIT is very appropriate to develop the Pelabuhan Anggrek which was built with the “smart port” concept. God willing, this port will provide benefits for economic progress and increase Indonesia’s competitiveness,” said the Minister of Transportation.
The Minister of Transportation expressed his appreciation to PT AGIT for being committed to realizing and operating this project even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the Minister of Transportation also expressed his appreciation to PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk and PT. Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, which has been willing to provide funding and consistently supports the implementation of this non-APBN creative funding.
The management of the Pelabuhan Anggrek is carried out by PT AGIT for a period of 30 years, in accordance with the Pelabuhan Anggrek PPP Agreement between the Ministry of Transportation and PT. AGIT which was signed in 2021.
In the first phase, the construction to be carried out includes: expansion of the pier, container yard, cargo and other supporting facilities. (LM)