Gobel Dharma Sarana Karya

Started merely from the sincere motivation to provide in-house meals for own factory
workers. Today, GDSK has evolved into a professional services company providing a
variety of food and hospitality services to various parts of society in Indonesia.

Name : PT. Gobel Dharma Sarana Karya (GDSK)
Location : Panasonic Gobel Group Office Complex, Jl. Dewi Sartika 14, Cawang II, Jakarta Timur 13630
Sales : IDR 611 Billion (2019)
Phone : (62 -21) 80878178
Website : www.gdsk.co.id

Chateraise Gobel Indonesia

Châteraisé always put customers first when making confectioneries to please them. We wish to deliver a truly enjoyable products to everyone by using only the best ingredients to ensure safety and quality.

Name : PT. Chateraise Gobel Indonesia (CGI)
Established : 2017
Location : Senayan City LG Floor, Pacific Place, Kem Chicks, Pondok Indah, Mall 1, Central Park Mall, Kelapa Gading Mall 2, Grand Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 535-9051
Instagram : @chateraise.id